Two months with Adventures with Animals
We are two months on from our first three books being published and want to reflect on our journey so far.
Thank you!
Thank you! :)
Firstly we want to start by saying Thank you. Thank you to all the lovely people for your support. Whether that’s buying our books, promoting our series, following our social media channels or for leaving us reviews/feedback . It is all greatly appreciated and the reviews have been amazing and are so important to us as a new book series!
It has been great to meet so many nice people on our journey from our customers to people we have met on our social media accounts. We are proud to have nearly 600 like minded followers of our Instagram account and love the engagement we have received from them! Recently we have been having great conversations with Early years teachers and Instagram book reviewers and have met some amazing people like Matthew (@mr_c_classroom) and Lisa (@busy_busy_learning) who are extremely kind, nice to talk to and agreed to review our books! We also met Kate author of @the_dogsdinner through our 4 legged friends and was great to talk with her about the challenges of publishing a book.
We had a lot of fun with our first giveaway competition with the eventual winner being an early years teacher! It was great to see all the guesses of the different animals and felt good to show what we hope will be the next set of Adventures with Animals books!
What’s next?
We are working really hard to make our books more easily accessible to you. We are in talks with independent book shops to stock our books along with other stores/gift shops. Our books are available on Amazon currently but we are still working hard to get our product pages up to the standards we want. We are definitely making progress, however Amazon fulfilling our book deliveries is some way off. Currently it doesn’t make business sense for us to use this option and we feel we can offer a greener delivery service at present. We are also working hard to get listed on other book selling sites such as and Wordery.
Reviews, Reviews, Reviews! We are working hard to gain reviews on our books across different platforms, such as the amazing site Toppsta, as well as Amazon, our own website and from book reviewers on social media. So if you are kind enough to purchase or read our book, please leave as review so we know what you liked and if there is any way we can improve!
We will continue to be as green as possible and always explore ways in which we can improve on this.
'Our donating to the WWF-UK via work for good will continue always. Protecting animals and their habitats is one of our core values as well as educating children about animals. We are determined to ensure our books are successful so that we can increase the amount that we donate per sale. Plans have been made on how we can support the WWF-UK in other ways along with working on local efforts to protect wildlife.
As mentioned earlier we want to be able to start producing our next books as soon as possible but we need to build our brand first to allow us to do so. So if you love our books and what we do, please do share!