We love your reviews!
It’s been so much fun and so interesting reading all of the reviews we have had about our books. We are overjoyed with how positive the reviews have been. It has given us great pride to hear about children enjoying our books and having fun when learning about animals! Below we would like to share some of our reviews with you and give a massive thank you to all of the people who have taken the time to give us feedback!

To launch our books we carefully select children’s book reviewers who have completed reviews on books like ours. We do tend to look for teachers as well as parents. We truly want our book series to educate as many children as possible in the hope they will want to protect animals in the future. With this in mind, we have introduced a teacher discount. Please head over to our Instagram page to read more about this.
One of our first book reviews was from Lisa @busybusylearning . It was such an amazing introduction to the world of sending your books for review. Lisa was so kind and thorough in her reviews of each of our books. Helped by her little assistant, Floss, who took a particular liking to Betty the blue whale and was rather resistant of Mum taking the book back to complete the review!! Lisa was kind enough to give us a lovely review on instagram as well as sharing the reviews on Goodreads, Toppsta, Waterstones and our Amazon page. (As well as on her personal blog).
Laura @bearcabelibrary was our first review featuring an Instagram reel! A lovely fun video showing off our books! Laura was kind enough to review the specifics that she loved about books including: the endpapers, the illustrations and the fact pages at the end of each book. The fact pages were a huge hit with her girls. Laura also shared that she enjoyed the choice of animals as they are less commonly seen in books. The review also commented on the humour and laugh out loud moments, such as the Chloe being a bit gassy. They also enjoyed trying to roll up into balls like Annie and Faye! Laura included our books in a #8Brilliantbooks feature on Instagram which was so kind and made our day!
@inclusivechildrensbooks turned out to be a more local book reviewer so we were able to deliver the 3 books via bicycle and it was lovely to meet the person behind the account! She wrote a lovely detailed review of our books really giving a great synopsis on each book and what she and her children liked about them!
@books.on.a.piano Liz gave us a wonderful review on all 3 books with the books featuring as you might of guessed, on her beautiful piano! Chloe the camel was lucky enough to be taken on a trip to Oman to see the desert! We are looking forward to a reel from Liz showing her favourite facts taken from the series!
@bronnenrichards a mother of 4 wrote such a nice review with her 3 eldest all reading the books! Arlo seems to have taken the biggest shine to them and has been asking for them as his bedtime story since they arrived! We can’t wait for Bode’s review in the future!
We still have some upcoming reviews from instagram book reviewers which we can’t wait to see!
We have been so happy to receive such positive feedback from people in person and via reviews across different platforms. The reviews from our customers mean so much and it has been so nice to hear that people have enjoyed our books enough to purchase more as gifts for friends! It really means the world to us!
We want to thank you for all of your reviews and say how nice it has been to have met so many lovely people on our adventure! If you have read our books and haven’t left a review yet, we would love to hear from you and value your feedback!